Justin Woll is the entrepreneur behind BeyondSixFigures, a company dedicated to helping eCommerce entrepreneurs start and scale their online businesses to the next level without having to fight for information or advice to make that happen. “BeyondSixFigures is the largest one-on-one ecommerce consulting agency in the industry. We help ecommerce...
Yahaira Solano Had a Different than Average Body Shape and Shapewear Didn’t Seem to Fit Her Right, So She and Her Partner Bruce Moncada Created Their Own Business for People Like Yahaira.
Shapewear can be a touchy subject for many women. While there have been a lot of movements to change the idea of a typical or ideal body type and shape, it can still be difficult to find certain shapewear in sizes needed for different body types. Shop Yahaira with their...
Christian Cosme is an Above-Elbow Amputee Who Founded Cyborg Future To Design and Improve Bionic Arms.
Christian Cosme is an above-elbow amputee and founder and CEO of Cyborg Future LLC, offering 3D printing services and sells Fiberlogy Filament 3D printing raw materials. Cosme is also the author of the book The Professional Procrastinator: 5 easy steps to a well-balanced life. Christian began his journey in the...
How Ishmael Wilson Put Heart Into Building A Dry Cleaning Business That Continues To Grow Today
Ishmael Wilson, also known as Pastor Ishmael, has both a unique story and business. Losing his step father as a child, Ishmael’s mother was forced to work 12-14 hour days in order to be able to provide her children with basic needs. After being harassed in her job, she was...
Tera Carissa Hodges Gives her 8 Life Hacks that are Essential to Become a Successful Entrepreneur.
Many entrepreneurs need advice and mentorship from other entrepreneurs to help them get through their day to day hardships. This is because no one understands your struggles like someone else who went through it themselves does. Well luckily for those of you who are looking for good tips, Tera Hodges...
5 Easy Ways To Bring Your Business To The Next Level In 2021
2020 has been a difficult year for everyone, but it has hit entrepreneurs and business owners particularly hard. Innovators that normally were able to be at the forefront of trends were given an unprecedented set of challenges to navigate. Now, in the coming months of 2021, acclaimed business leader Pascal...