Ex-US army sergeant convicted of killing Black Lives Matter protester in 2020 pardoned by Texas governor

A former US army sergeant who killed a Black Lives Matter protester in 2020 has been issued a full pardon. Daniel Perry was convicted of murder after shooting an armed demonstrator, 28-year-old Garrett Foster, an Air Force veteran, during the nationwide anti-racist protests that swept the US and the world...

Merchant Automation: Paul Alex’s Game-Changing Platform for Building Your Own Merchant Service Business

Paul Alex, along with his partner Gedam Tekle, spearheads MerchantAutomation.com, a revolutionary platform empowering entrepreneurs to venture into merchant services seamlessly.  In 2023, they launched MerchantAutomation.com, the brainchild of their collective expertise and entrepreneurial spirit, aiming to democratize access to the lucrative merchant services industry.  "In February 2023, I launched...

Simone Lord Empowers Entrepreneurs to Scale with Business Growth Mindset’s program: Customers on Demand

Simone Lord is the General Manager of Business Growth Mindset, a company that provides coaching and mentorship programs to help entrepreneurs and small business owners achieve their goals. Business Growth Mindset offers a comprehensive program called Customers on Demand that is designed to help service-based businesses generate more leads, convert...

Going Global: Groves Capital Poised to Become a Leader in Domestic and International Commercial Lending

In the fast-paced realm of financial services, adaptability is the name of the game for sustained success. Recognized as a beacon of reliability and trust in lending, Groves Capital is making headlines with its strategic pivot.  With a keen eye on market trends and a commitment to innovation, the company...

Elevate Your Real Estate Game: Join Dr. Joseph Nantomah’s Exclusive Investors Weekend in Miami, on May 10th and 11th!

Dr. Joseph Nantomah, also known as “The Black Mentor,” has emerged as a prominent and highly sought-after real estate investor and wealth coach, raking in millions. Currently, he is getting ready to host an exclusive Investors Weekend in Miami on May 10th and 11th, 2024.  This limited-space event offers a...