The Man Behind MásQueDigital: Rafael Núñez’s Story in Cybersecurity and Branding

Rafael Nuñez is an entrepreneur professional in the field of cybersecurity and the author of his recent book “La luz de Los Ángeles, guía de sanación.” He has over ten years of experience and is considered a leading expert in online reputation and digital branding.

Rafael leads several businesses, including MásQueDigital, a remarkable Caracas-based digital marketing agency specializing in digital advisory and online presence branding. 

However, his influence extends to more than one sector. He is also the president of Fintech and Digital Media firms such as,, and, an information news media outlet focusing on cybersecurity.

Where others saw insurmountable problems, Rafael saw an opportunity. He was able to seize a moment others couldn’t—when reputation and cybersecurity online were relatively new fields—to set a new standard for the industry.

MásQueDigital’s portfolio is impressive, with clients considered triple-A—people and companies with prestige who have relied on the company’s services through time.

Rafael’s businesses are differentiated by the knowledge and specialization of his team. MásQueDigital has positioned itself as a leader in online reputation management; its services have no tangible competitors.

“I have spent 11 years advising top bankers and business leaders in Venezuela on all matters related to online reputation and cybersecurity,” Rafael explains.

Rafael and his company’s work undoubtedly adds significant value to their clients. They have a global vision in an increasingly interconnected world.

Besides all this, Rafael’s path has been one of significant contributions to social causes, such as CPIU, an organization against child pornography, and, geared toward anti-bullying advocacy.

Rafael has also built a reputation within the spiritual community as a prayer intercessor for physical, mental, and spiritual healing and has built an Instagram following of over 300,000.

In the future, Rafael looks forward to continuing his business’ growth and publishing “La luz de Los Ángeles: guía de sanación,” his comprehensive guide to healing and spiritual growth.

“The book is a guide of personal experiences with prayers that help heal and evolve on the spiritual path, driving us to understand things that were perhaps previously incomprehensible,” Rafael shares.

He also created the Reprogram Your Mind app, which delivers positive affirmations to help users focus their consciousness on thoughts that edify, build, and nourish the soul.

In the financial sector, he would like to increase his knowledge about the Fintech world, mainly regarding AI within cybersecurity to continue lecturing about technology and make people conscious.

To learn more about Rafael Nuñez, click here.